Color Range Overview
Leisure Pools has a long history of offering its swimming pools in a range of colored gelcoats. More than a decade ago, Leisure Pools introduced Aquaguard® colored gelcoats into the North American market — at a time when most manufacturers only offered the stereotypical white-colored swimming pools. The initiatives of Leisure Pools in the North American market have facilitated a change in industry standards, and continues to be one of the catalysts driving the increase of market share for the composite fiberglass pool industry.
If you’re looking for something different than the standard composite fiberglass pool — something a little bit special — then this is the color range for you! Each color within the Leisure Pools SMART range includes a built-in sparkle that sets off an added brilliance and shimmer effect. No matter what color you choose, when the light shines over your Leisure Pool, it will appear to have millions of diamonds scattered across the pool surface.
The Leisure Pools SMART Color Range not only looks beautiful, but also has excellent UV, blister, and chemical resistance, and is backed by the largest supplier of gelcoats for the swimming pool industry.
These colors are given an added brilliance by having an built-in sparkle and shimmer effect.
In different lights your pool will look like it has millions of diamonds scattered over the pool surface.
Crystal Blue
Diamond Sand
Ebony Blue
Graphite Grey
Sapphire Blue
Silver Grey
The Leisure Pools SMART Color Range is a new generation of premium, high performance gelcoat combining advanced performance and dramatically reduced VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) emissions, as a consequence of extremely low styrene contents of less than 28% by weight.
This gelcoat provides up to 50% less VOC emissions than standard gelcoats making it better for the environment over traditional gelcoats used in fiberglass swimming pools.